Live a normal life with Narcolepsy

Product Name: Live a normal life with Narcolepsy


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How 7 Narcolepsy sufferers got their life back! … read their secrets to living a normal life

Now you can have Narcolepsy and have your dream job too!

Here’s why this  ebook is regarded as the Internet’s #1 resource on narcolepsy …

“I had never heard of N or C – I was just so relieved that I wasn’t crazy.  And even more relieved that …. Erin continued page 34

The one personal story that will make everyone understand you? Print out Carlos’s story on page 54

Why most narcoleptics feel all alone – meet 7 new friends who are just like you

Revealed! there is more to Narcolepsy than falling asleep ‘in your soup’!

7 strategies for those just diagnosed with Narcolepsy, and what to do next?

What your doctor will never tell you about Narcolepsy, they are too busy to know everything! Find the answers to all your questions

Insider secrets to living with excessive daytime sleepiness?? here’s the key to making others wish they had it too!!

so much sleep to get and so little time! A checklist for People With Narcolepsy and how they manage their lives

FAQs that answer all your parents and family questions about Narcolepsy (while you sleep)

To: All the people who have or think they have Narcolepsy and to those who love someone with narcolepsy

From: Dianne Zalitis, sister to a narcoleptic

Dear person with narcolepsy,  fellow family and friends

If you have wanted an easier way to tell your loved ones about your narcolepsy …

Or if you are looking for answers to your daytime sleepiness but are too overwhelmed with all the information on the net – and do not know where to start?

…Then this will be the most important message you will ever read. Big call? Maybe. Here’s why …

Hi, my name is Dianne, and maybe you can relate to my story?

A few years ago my sister in law, Rebecca, was diagnosed with Narcolepsy. At the time I didn’t pay too much attention to this as I didn’t really understand what it meant, not to her, and to the rest of us her family.

I am ashamed to admit I knew nothing about Narcolepsy …

I am also ashamed to admit, now that I know so much more, that I reacted as many people who do not have narcolepsy react – When she would visit with my brother, I often thought her sleepiness and fatigue to be a “bit over the top”, a “bit of a put-on” – why couldn’t she help out like everyone else?, why did she have to sleep so much?, surely she should be better after a rest, was this just an excuse to get out of work?? Was she just – dare I say it – “lazy”?

Sounds familiar doesn’t it!

One day I decided to do some research on the net – to try and understand this condition – I discovered 2 things.

One – there is stacks of medical sites and information, all very useful in a technical sense, and they helped me to understand that I had been too harsh on Bec – you know …. all of those things one thinks but never actually say out loud!!.

Two – there was nothing that really told me what it was like for Bec every day of her life, what she felt and experienced – her frustrations, fears and the burden of constantly having to explain herself.

Narcoleptics and everyday skeptics…

It dawned on me that there must be other people like me who know, love or just interact daily with somebody with narcolepsy – and they most likely react as I did, purely as a result of a lack of knowledge and understanding. And like me they don’t want to intentionally or unintentionally hurt anyone! And what about all the narcoleptics like Bec and Erin, below – that have to live everyday with skeptics like me!

Educating others about N will help them to accept your symptoms and prepares them for the unexpected. Imagine your friends or co-workers walk into the lunch room and find you sitting at the table asleep over a half eaten sandwich.  It’s the difference between them screaming your name and then laughing their asses off when you fall out of your chair, spill your drink and turn red, or them discreetly brushing against you as they sit down so you have a chance to wake up on your own.”  Erin pg 36

So I started thinking …

What about a book of Real Life Experiences?

What could I do that would make a difference?? Wouldn’t it be great if there was a book out there that had the real life experiences and stories from people with narcolepsy!!! I know that would have made it so much easier for me to “get it” and save Bec the hassle of trying to get it through to me!

“Once I read even just a few symptoms of narcolepsy I knew that is what I had. It was like a revelation to me that explained every single circumstance in my entire life… Carlos page 56

Shine a Light on this Hidden Disorder…

I also discovered that this disorder is mostly hidden, except for the way the movies show it, no-one really knows much about it, and I was determined that it was time to shine a light on this subject – too many people are suffering when they don’t need to!

Wow – Some Doctors Don’t Understand Narcolepsy Either!

So began my journey to develop this resource. In that journey I discovered that for many people the journey to diagnosis is quite long and filled with visits to doctors who just don’t understand narcolepsy either!!

Her doctors never really believed her. They always figured she was being dramatic. On one occasion, Zefora was having a horrible cataplexy attack.

It was so bad that her doctor called an ambulance and had her sent to the emergency room. When she got there, a nurse kept trying to wake her up with smelling salts. Zefora eventually emerged from the cataplexy to a barrage of insulting questions from the nurse, who demanded to know what street drugs Zefora was on. When Zefora told her she wasn’t taking any, the nurse simply didn’t believe her… cont. page 38

Can you relate to this? Are you …

Afraid your narcolepsy symptoms will cause you to loose your job – Cheri  was! Page 15

Worrying about what is wrong with you

Experiencing scary dreams

Not being believed when you explain narcolepsy to friends, family and colleagues – Michael still struggles with others perceptions of his narcolepsy, even his daughter, page 53

Feeling angry that family, friends, employers and colleagues don’t understand narcolepsy – Anthony’s co-workers believe “he is lazy and…” page 66

Finding your Narcolepsy is not seen as a real disorder – are you tired of being seen as putting it on

Having to explain yourself over & over again

Finding keeping relationships is hard as tiredness stops you from having fun with friends

Cheri recalls that one of the turning points in her life that convinced her she needed to seek some kind of help was when she took a twenty day road trip with her grandchildren across the country…  slept through eighty percent of it…  recalls that vacation as the worst in her life when it should have been the best… Page 14

How many people do you know that you would have to explain your
narcolepsy to –

Imagine telling every single person the same story over and over – and then they don’t really understand or ‘get it’!! And then in a few short months, they think you should be better – but that’s not how it works… so you start all over with the explaining. I don’t know about you but that would drive me nuts, or I’d just give up.

Ever wondered how a disorder like narcolepsy will progress?

What symptoms do I have, should I have? Is it really narcolepsy or something else?? Will it get better, or will it get worse?

Up until Melissa’s diagnosis of narcolepsy, she felt a certain sense of worry about what her condition might turn out to be. When the automatic behavior episodes were occurring at work and eventually led to her termination from her position, Melissa was very concerned that she might have Alzheimer’s disease… cont. page 26

Ever wondered what it’s like to be so tired every day
that you cannot go out with  your friends, or you
go out but, no matter what, you fall asleep! –

Do they think you are rude? Or too much of a party animal? Do they just stop asking you to join in? How do you keep relationships as excessive sleepiness gets in the way of a good time?

Doctors are so busy that they don’t all know everything ( see Zefora’s story on page 37) and some may not even know what narcolepsy is, so what are you supposed to do –

keep going to every doctor you can find until one discovers what’s wrong with you … and in the meantime you spend a fortune, lose time at work and … everyone, including you begins to think you are crazy.

I had talked to him for less than five minutes before he said, ‘I have never been more sure of a diagnosis – you’re narcoleptic.  I’m 100% sure that’s what you have.’””Then I cried.Then he explained that I also had cataplexy.Then I cried more.” Erin pg 34

As you can imagine there may be other people just like that out there? You know … who would benefit from my experience – and who want life made easier by having all the information you will ever need in one place – one easy to read book!

At Last – One Easy To Read Book…

SO I got to work  – 3 months later and many long days & nights in front of the computer … I’ve done it!

And don’t worry … This valuable resource is for ALL people, either with or without narcolepsy!!! Anyway I won’t keep you hanging any longer …

Introducing the simple ebook that could make all the
difference for you and your life…

Living With Narcolepsy – Testimonial

The individual stories covered show how this problem cannot be neatly packaged up into one symptom and treated, that each much be diagnosed and monitored individually. 

The stories covered also give fellow Narcolepsy suffers hope that they are not alone and that there are support groups out there.

Well done Diane, a very insightful and well written and well researched book.  Not only a good resource for suffers, but also family and friends.

Thank you for helping me understand.

Testimonial – no idea what Narcolepsy was about

“I found your book really interesting, and although I had heard of narcolepsy I had no real idea what it was about.  Your book certainly makes it clear and concise, and shows how it affects different people in different ways.  If I had a family member or member of staff with narcolepsy I would certainly reccommend they read your book.” – Susan Buller

Here is a quick preview of the valuable information
you will have at your fingertips…

A few other embarrassing instances stick out in Erin’s mind… when she was seventeen… her boyfriend was trying to break up with her, and throughout the process, he had to keep waking her up to tell her about it. page 33

Cheri didn’t really know what the cause of her symptoms could have been and went through one false diagnosis after another… cont. page 13

Her situation began to grow more complicated, however, when her automatic behavior made her look strange at times. Files would be misplaced in bizarre locations …. Melissa wouldn’t know where she put the files or why she put them there. page 25

So there you have it… I don’t know about you but I wish I had all that information when Bec first told me about her diagnosis of Narcolepsy

Answer for daughter’s behaviour – testimonial

“Hi Dianne, I have found your book a fascinating read, more particularly because coincidentally, I had lunch with an old friend last week, who was telling me about her 21 year old daughter and how she was always tired and napped several times a day and had always done so.

From what I have read in your book, her symptoms seem to fit within the narcolepsy category.  My friend has been searching for years to try and find an explanation for her daughters behaviour.  So thank you, with your book, she may have found the answer – at last!” – Susan Ormsby

This book has everything in it I could’ve wanted when Bec first told me of her Narcolepsy. … and being a non-Narcoleptic I had no trouble reading it, … but I quickly realised that Bec might struggle to get thru the 69 pages…

When I asked Bec what she thought of the book, she said…. she fell asleep before she got passed chapter 2!

So, for Bec, and every other person with Narcolepsy, I have had the book recorded as an audio book … so you don’t have to read it, but can listen instead…and the best thing??

I am giving the audio file to you as a special gift with the purchase of the ebook!

Now this recording took many, many hours of work to get the right voice actor to match with the people who gave their stories to this book… the right voice actor to bring their stories to life… and to give a true hearing.

So I’ve put this audio together as an extra special bonuses for you…

FREE Extra Special GIFT Bonus

Every person’s story has been recorded using a different voice actor … so you can listen to Erin or Michael or Carlos or any of the others individually

Each story is recorded as a separate chapter making it easier for you to listen and return to the book whenever you need

You no longer have to find the energy and the time to read …

Play the recording any where and at the time that suits you

Give the recording to family, friends, work colleagues… the boss… anyone you need to understand your Narcolepsy

Let this recording do ALL the explaining of Narcolepsy for you!

But.. for you today…. it is my pleasure to give you this very special bonus.. as a gift from me… to you…

Okay Dianne, It sounds like you’ve gone to a lot of trouble …
How much is this going to cost?

Well that’s the best part – the price – to be honest with you, if I added up all the countless hours and hard work that I’ve poured into this little book, then I’d have to charge you thousands of dollars in labour time!

But here’s another little surprise for you … Since this is all fresh new current information – being the “launch” of my book …  and I’m ‘testing the price’ … I’d like to give you an extra special bonus just as a way to say thank you for reading this far …

Was that a bit harsh? Sorry, as you can tell, I’m pretty passionate about this topi

Just in case you are not 100% sure if you are making the right decision, I’d like to take 100% of the risk away from you and put it ALL on my shoulders.

How am I doing that? Simple. Here’s my Zero Risk Guarantee. Check it out….

In the unlikely event that you are not 100% convinced that my special book is everything that I have said it is and you are not completely satisfied with it, then we’ll refund every penny of your money with no questions asked. That’s more than a guarantee, that’s a promise.

In Fact I DEMAND and INSIST You Ask For a Full Refund!

Because I don’t want one single person to ever complain that I have taken one single dollar off somebody that I didn’t deserve! I want you to feel confident that I am on your side with no sneaky ulterior motives!

My friends told me I’m crazy for doing this …

“What are you doing Dianne? People on the internet are just going to rip you off – buy your book – get all of your great information – then ask for their money back and laugh all the way” – Warned my friends …

But you know what? I’m choosing to believe that the majority of people out there are good hearted people and wouldn’t want to do that! Call me naïve, but as I’m sure that the “good people” in the world will appreciate this ebook and not be deceitful like that.

You’ve really got nothing to lose right?

If you’re like me … I wanted to be sure I truly understand Narcolepsy and what it is like to live with this condition day in, day out. With the information included in this book you can be assured that you and your loved ones will be equipped with that knowledge.

Practical & Helpful – Testimonial

“Thank you for an enlightening, informative and uplifting book about this widely misunderstood condition. I found so much helpful information about what narcolepsy really is along with very practical information about how to effectively deal with the symptoms.

I highly recommend this ebook to anyone who suspects they’re suffering from narcolepsy, as well as to those who know or work with someone suffering from this condition.” -Danielle Rodgers

And you know you can save yourself many hours of time and frustration just through handing this book to your family, friends and employer – let the book do all the explaining for you!

Anyway … either way, you’ll really appreciate the trouble I’ve gone to put all this information together for you. So if you want an “all in one” easy guide to living with Narcolepsy, then all you need to do is simply click the order button. What are you waiting for?

Okay, so let’s recap what you’re going to get …

How 7 Narcolepsy sufferers got their life back! … read their secrets to living a normal life

Now you can have Narcolepsy and have your dream job too!

Here’s why this  ebook is regarded as the Internet’s #1 resource on narcolepsy …

“I had never heard of N or C – I was just so relieved that I wasn’t crazy.  And even more relieved that …. Erin continued page 34

The one personal story that will make everyone understand you? Print out Carlos’s story on page 54

Why most narcoleptics feel all alone – meet 7 new friends who are just like you

Revealed! there is more to Narcolepsy than falling asleep ‘in your soup’!

7 strategies for those just diagnosed with Narcolepsy, and what to do next?

What your doctor will never tell you about Narcolepsy, they are too busy to know everything! Find the answers to all your questions

Insider secrets to living with excessive daytime sleepiness?? here’s the key to making others wish they had it too!!

so much sleep to get and so little time! A checklist for People With Narcolepsy and how they manage their lives

FAQs that answer all your parents and family questions about Narcolepsy (while you sleep)

To: All the people who have or think they have Narcolepsy and to those who love someone with narcolepsy

From: Dianne Zalitis, sister to a narcoleptic

Dear person with narcolepsy,  fellow family and friends

If you have wanted an easier way to tell your loved ones about your narcolepsy …

Or if you are looking for answers to your daytime sleepiness but are too overwhelmed with all the information on the net – and do not know where to start?

…Then this will be the most important message you will ever read. Big call? Maybe. Here’s why …

Hi, my name is Dianne, and maybe you can relate to my story?

A few years ago my sister in law, Rebecca, was diagnosed with Narcolepsy. At the time I didn’t pay too much attention to this as I didn’t really understand what it meant, not to her, and to the rest of us her family.

I am ashamed to admit I knew nothing about Narcolepsy …

I am also ashamed to admit, now that I know so much more, that I reacted as many people who do not have narcolepsy react – When she would visit with my brother, I often thought her sleepiness and fatigue to be a “bit over the top”, a “bit of a put-on” – why couldn’t she help out like everyone else?, why did she have to sleep so much?, surely she should be better after a rest, was this just an excuse to get out of work?? Was she just – dare I say it – “lazy”?

Sounds familiar doesn’t it!

One day I decided to do some research on the net – to try and understand this condition – I discovered 2 things.

One – there is stacks of medical sites and information, all very useful in a technical sense, and they helped me to understand that I had been too harsh on Bec – you know …. all of those things one thinks but never actually say out loud!!.

Two – there was nothing that really told me what it was like for Bec every day of her life, what she felt and experienced – her frustrations, fears and the burden of constantly having to explain herself.

Narcoleptics and everyday skeptics…

It dawned on me that there must be other people like me who know, love or just interact daily with somebody with narcolepsy – and they most likely react as I did, purely as a result of a lack of knowledge and understanding. And like me they don’t want to intentionally or unintentionally hurt anyone! And what about all the narcoleptics like Bec and Erin, below – that have to live everyday with skeptics like me!

Educating others about N will help them to accept your symptoms and prepares them for the unexpected. Imagine your friends or co-workers walk into the lunch room and find you sitting at the table asleep over a half eaten sandwich.  It’s the difference between them screaming your name and then laughing their asses off when you fall out of your chair, spill your drink and turn red, or them discreetly brushing against you as they sit down so you have a chance to wake up on your own.”  Erin pg 36

So I started thinking …

What about a book of Real Life Experiences?

What could I do that would make a difference?? Wouldn’t it be great if there was a book out there that had the real life experiences and stories from people with narcolepsy!!! I know that would have made it so much easier for me to “get it” and save Bec the hassle of trying to get it through to me!

“Once I read even just a few symptoms of narcolepsy I knew that is what I had. It was like a revelation to me that explained every single circumstance in my entire life… Carlos page 56

Shine a Light on this Hidden Disorder…

I also discovered that this disorder is mostly hidden, except for the way the movies show it, no-one really knows much about it, and I was determined that it was time to shine a light on this subject – too many people are suffering when they don’t need to!

Wow – Some Doctors Don’t Understand Narcolepsy Either!

So began my journey to develop this resource. In that journey I discovered that for many people the journey to diagnosis is quite long and filled with visits to doctors who just don’t understand narcolepsy either!!

Her doctors never really believed her. They always figured she was being dramatic. On one occasion, Zefora was having a horrible cataplexy attack.

It was so bad that her doctor called an ambulance and had her sent to the emergency room. When she got there, a nurse kept trying to wake her up with smelling salts. Zefora eventually emerged from the cataplexy to a barrage of insulting questions from the nurse, who demanded to know what street drugs Zefora was on. When Zefora told her she wasn’t taking any, the nurse simply didn’t believe her… cont. page 38

Can you relate to this? Are you …

Afraid your narcolepsy symptoms will cause you to loose your job – Cheri  was! Page 15

Worrying about what is wrong with you

Experiencing scary dreams

Not being believed when you explain narcolepsy to friends, family and colleagues – Michael still struggles with others perceptions of his narcolepsy, even his daughter, page 53

Feeling angry that family, friends, employers and colleagues don’t understand narcolepsy – Anthony’s co-workers believe “he is lazy and…” page 66

Finding your Narcolepsy is not seen as a real disorder – are you tired of being seen as putting it on

Having to explain yourself over & over again

Finding keeping relationships is hard as tiredness stops you from having fun with friends

Cheri recalls that one of the turning points in her life that convinced her she needed to seek some kind of help was when she took a twenty day road trip with her grandchildren across the country…  slept through eighty percent of it…  recalls that vacation as the worst in her life when it should have been the best… Page 14

How many people do you know that you would have to explain your
narcolepsy to –

Imagine telling every single person the same story over and over – and then they don’t really understand or ‘get it’!! And then in a few short months, they think you should be better – but that’s not how it works… so you start all over with the explaining. I don’t know about you but that would drive me nuts, or I’d just give up.

Ever wondered how a disorder like narcolepsy will progress?

What symptoms do I have, should I have? Is it really narcolepsy or something else?? Will it get better, or will it get worse?

Up until Melissa’s diagnosis of narcolepsy, she felt a certain sense of worry about what her condition might turn out to be. When the automatic behavior episodes were occurring at work and eventually led to her termination from her position, Melissa was very concerned that she might have Alzheimer’s disease… cont. page 26

Ever wondered what it’s like to be so tired every day
that you cannot go out with  your friends, or you
go out but, no matter what, you fall asleep! –

Do they think you are rude? Or too much of a party animal? Do they just stop asking you to join in? How do you keep relationships as excessive sleepiness gets in the way of a good time?

Doctors are so busy that they don’t all know everything ( see Zefora’s story on page 37) and some may not even know what narcolepsy is, so what are you supposed to do –

keep going to every doctor you can find until one discovers what’s wrong with you … and in the meantime you spend a fortune, lose time at work and … everyone, including you begins to think you are crazy.

I had talked to him for less than five minutes before he said, ‘I have never been more sure of a diagnosis – you’re narcoleptic.  I’m 100% sure that’s what you have.’””Then I cried.Then he explained that I also had cataplexy.Then I cried more.” Erin pg 34

As you can imagine there may be other people just like that out there? You know … who would benefit from my experience – and who want life made easier by having all the information you will ever need in one place – one easy to read book!

At Last – One Easy To Read Book…

SO I got to work  – 3 months later and many long days & nights in front of the computer … I’ve done it!

And don’t worry … This valuable resource is for ALL people, either with or without narcolepsy!!! Anyway I won’t keep you hanging any longer …

Introducing the simple ebook that could make all the
difference for you and your life…

Living With Narcolepsy – Testimonial

The individual stories covered show how this problem cannot be neatly packaged up into one symptom and treated, that each much be diagnosed and monitored individually. 

The stories covered also give fellow Narcolepsy suffers hope that they are not alone and that there are support groups out there.

Well done Diane, a very insightful and well written and well researched book.  Not only a good resource for suffers, but also family and friends.

Thank you for helping me understand.

Testimonial – no idea what Narcolepsy was about

“I found your book really interesting, and although I had heard of narcolepsy I had no real idea what it was about.  Your book certainly makes it clear and concise, and shows how it affects different people in different ways.  If I had a family member or member of staff with narcolepsy I would certainly reccommend they read your book.” – Susan Buller

Here is a quick preview of the valuable information
you will have at your fingertips…

A few other embarrassing instances stick out in Erin’s mind… when she was seventeen… her boyfriend was trying to break up with her, and throughout the process, he had to keep waking her up to tell her about it. page 33

Cheri didn’t really know what the cause of her symptoms could have been and went through one false diagnosis after another… cont. page 13

Her situation began to grow more complicated, however, when her automatic behavior made her look strange at times. Files would be misplaced in bizarre locations …. Melissa wouldn’t know where she put the files or why she put them there. page 25

So there you have it… I don’t know about you but I wish I had all that information when Bec first told me about her diagnosis of Narcolepsy

Answer for daughter’s behaviour – testimonial

“Hi Dianne, I have found your book a fascinating read, more particularly because coincidentally, I had lunch with an old friend last week, who was telling me about her 21 year old daughter and how she was always tired and napped several times a day and had always done so.

From what I have read in your book, her symptoms seem to fit within the narcolepsy category.  My friend has been searching for years to try and find an explanation for her daughters behaviour.  So thank you, with your book, she may have found the answer – at last!” – Susan Ormsby

This book has everything in it I could’ve wanted when Bec first told me of her Narcolepsy. … and being a non-Narcoleptic I had no trouble reading it, … but I quickly realised that Bec might struggle to get thru the 69 pages…

When I asked Bec what she thought of the book, she said…. she fell asleep before she got passed chapter 2!

So, for Bec, and every other person with Narcolepsy, I have had the book recorded as an audio book … so you don’t have to read it, but can listen instead…and the best thing??

I am giving the audio file to you as a special gift with the purchase of the ebook!

Now this recording took many, many hours of work to get the right voice actor to match with the people who gave their stories to this book… the right voice actor to bring their stories to life… and to give a true hearing.

So I’ve put this audio together as an extra special bonuses for you…

FREE Extra Special GIFT Bonus

Every person’s story has been recorded using a different voice actor … so you can listen to Erin or Michael or Carlos or any of the others individually

Each story is recorded as a separate chapter making it easier for you to listen and return to the book whenever you need

You no longer have to find the energy and the time to read …

Play the recording any where and at the time that suits you

Give the recording to family, friends, work colleagues… the boss… anyone you need to understand your Narcolepsy

Let this recording do ALL the explaining of Narcolepsy for you!

But.. for you today…. it is my pleasure to give you this very special bonus.. as a gift from me… to you…

Okay Dianne, It sounds like you’ve gone to a lot of trouble …
How much is this going to cost?

Well that’s the best part – the price – to be honest with you, if I added up all the countless hours and hard work that I’ve poured into this little book, then I’d have to charge you thousands of dollars in labour time!

But here’s another little surprise for you … Since this is all fresh new current information – being the “launch” of my book …  and I’m ‘testing the price’ … I’d like to give you an extra special bonus just as a way to say thank you for reading this far …

Was that a bit harsh? Sorry, as you can tell, I’m pretty passionate about this topi

Just in case you are not 100% sure if you are making the right decision, I’d like to take 100% of the risk away from you and put it ALL on my shoulders.

How am I doing that? Simple. Here’s my Zero Risk Guarantee. Check it out….

In the unlikely event that you are not 100% convinced that my special book is everything that I have said it is and you are not completely satisfied with it, then we’ll refund every penny of your money with no questions asked. That’s more than a guarantee, that’s a promise.

In Fact I DEMAND and INSIST You Ask For a Full Refund!

Because I don’t want one single person to ever complain that I have taken one single dollar off somebody that I didn’t deserve! I want you to feel confident that I am on your side with no sneaky ulterior motives!

My friends told me I’m crazy for doing this …

“What are you doing Dianne? People on the internet are just going to rip you off – buy your book – get all of your great information – then ask for their money back and laugh all the way” – Warned my friends …

But you know what? I’m choosing to believe that the majority of people out there are good hearted people and wouldn’t want to do that! Call me naïve, but as I’m sure that the “good people” in the world will appreciate this ebook and not be deceitful like that.

You’ve really got nothing to lose right?

If you’re like me … I wanted to be sure I truly understand Narcolepsy and what it is like to live with this condition day in, day out. With the information included in this book you can be assured that you and your loved ones will be equipped with that knowledge.

Practical & Helpful – Testimonial

“Thank you for an enlightening, informative and uplifting book about this widely misunderstood condition. I found so much helpful information about what narcolepsy really is along with very practical information about how to effectively deal with the symptoms.

I highly recommend this ebook to anyone who suspects they’re suffering from narcolepsy, as well as to those who know or work with someone suffering from this condition.” -Danielle Rodgers

And you know you can save yourself many hours of time and frustration just through handing this book to your family, friends and employer – let the book do all the explaining for you!

Anyway … either way, you’ll really appreciate the trouble I’ve gone to put all this information together for you. So if you want an “all in one” easy guide to living with Narcolepsy, then all you need to do is simply click the order button. What are you waiting for?

Okay, so let’s recap what you’re going to get …

MP3 Audio – Living With Narcolepsy

I personally guarantee that you will be absolutely delighted with my Living With Narcolepsy e-book.

If at any time in the next 60 days you’re not 100% satisfied, I want you to demand your money back.

I’m sure you love and want to do as much for your family and friends to help them to understand narcolepsy as much as I love Bec. She has been a member of our family for 6 years, and is the first person I have ever known with this condition. It certainly has been worth all the time, effort and energy in putting this book together.

And I really wish and hope that in reading this book your life is changed in a memorable way …

P.P.P.S. Let me remind you that you’re totally covered by my 100% “No Questions Asked” guarantee! So there’s no risk on your part at all. So what are you waiting for? Enjoy!


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