Sharewatch Lessons – Den Rocke Blog

Product Name: Sharewatch Lessons – Den Rocke Blog


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Sharewatch Lessons – Den Rocke Blog is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Building a business with John Thornhill

Be The Envy Of All Who Know You After The Lessons…

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“INVESTMENT LESSONS THE SHAREWATCH WAY” And You Can Earn Bundles Of Money The Stock Market Made Simple


These Stocks and shares lessons will teach you to buy in the Stock Market where YOU CAN earn a fortune!AND CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER!

Before we go any further, I would like you to read a testimonial from a grateful “SHAREWATCH LESSONS” eBook owner (Chris bought the lessons in 2006).

I had your ‘Lessons’ for about a year and not done anything with it.

I have just been playing around with your strategies and was astonished to see how accurate your super-secret is.

Will have to restrain myself form getting too excited!

Finally I must congratulate you on giving me information that is most clear and concise and very easy to follow.

Nobody that I have seen presents the information in this way! I cannot see how I can fail to make lots of money.

Thanks again, and will let you know how I do (email disguised by request of sender)

I didn’t hear any more from Chris for over a year and then…

Well it’s now November 2009 and been live trading this for over a year now. I promised to let you know how I am doing.

Well!… I have been ever so careful as you tell us in the lessons. I didn’t lose money like the BIG BOYS did in the August crash a couple of years back. Wasn’t that terrible, I couldn’t believe what the banks had done…

I had everything on my charts that you recommend and was flat when the crash happened.

I am doing this for a living now and needless to say, I have given up my day job

If I had been aggressive I would be a millionaire by now .

Thank goodness I had you :-)))

Your a diamond and I can’t thank you enough.

I have attached image (weekly timeframe) showing where your recommended stoploss took me out after the 2008 crash.

Is written in an easy to learn manner and COULD be the vehicle to you earning a huge fortune, it is meant for novices & professionals alike. It teaches you from knowing absolutely nothing at all to becoming an expert in the investment field. It holds many secrets that the experts don’t want you to know! Everything I teach will be useable throughout the World. I am a UK expat based in Spain, but the knowledge you will pick up on this course works universally 😊

It takes the mystery out of Stocks and Shares and brings the student up on an equal footing with the Stock Brokers in fact a lot of what you will be learning far surpasses what the majority of my fellow investors have ever learned!

What you are about to learn is so secret that you are going to have to sign a non disclosure document. That’s how important the lessons are. If it were anything to do with the government you would have to sign the ‘Official Secrets Act’. If signing a non disclosure confidentiality document is not for you. Then please leave now.

I will be teaching you certain signals to watch for that will give you buy and sell signals with a 90% success rate. There are no other lessons on the market that can claim this. If you use the strategies I suggest in the e-book, you will be using a calculation that will get you out of investments before you lose money.

If you had been an investor and had learned these lessonswhen all the past Stock Market Crashes occurred,you would not have lost money in any of theMARKET CRASHES!!

And That Includes The Crash That Caused The Depression In The
1930’s, 80’s And Even The Latest One In 2008!

If you have read enough already and want to jump in…


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That’s what dealing in Stocks and Shares is all about. So by whatever means you found this page, believe me, you’ve never been so LUCKY! in all of your life!

Thanks to your surfing methods you have finally hit the…JACKPOT!

So! Now you have found me… QUICKLY!

If you haven’t already done so, add this page to your favourites.


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I have been dealing in the Stock Market for over 30 years. What I am giving you here is 30 years experience in the same amount of weeks. This means you will not have to make the same mistakes as I did and boy did I make some ☹

In my first skirmish with stocks and shares, I dealt through a very prestigious broker using an advisory service. I name no names here as the brokerage firm is still trading.

What an advisory service meant was that there was an expert at the other end of the telephone telling me what he was investing my money in and why.

I was so green it was untrue. So green, I believed every word he uttered.

If I had known then what I know now, I would never have registered with them. My advisory agent lost me £10,000 in approximately six months dealing in stocks and shares. Actually he lost all my money dealing in Options.

Options are call and put contracts.

My course does not include Option trading only trading in stocks and shares.

But, I wasn’t finished, not by a long way. My wife didn’t want me to carry on, but my argument was that others were earning a fortune and if they can do it, SO CAN I!


I frequented my local library, also went out and bought book after book on investments, I read life stories of the gurus, but none really gave out their secrets. I thought that’s what the books were supposed to be about and read them from cover to cover only to find that all they were doing was spouting off about how good they were and what they had done in their lives.

Nothing I read taught me what I wanted to know, which was, what are the best signals to show me what I should buy!

Over the years through trial and error and watching the charts, I learned what to look out for.

These are the things you are going to learn without having to make my mistakes.

Below is an example of what you will learn…
And shows you how you will never be stung by
Any new CRASHES like the one in 2008

By the time you finish the lessons YOU will be able to look at the Barclay’s chart INFO 1 above and know BEFORE the Killer Day 15th August 2008 that the price was FLAT and you should be out of all trades.

A couple of days later the signal to go short arrived. You would have got in the short trade (a short trade is taken when you think the price is going to drop further).

You would have know at a glance that the price was going to travel as it did from that point.

BUT! Don’t let any of the gurus tell you different. I am telling you now…

NOBODY AND I MEAN NOBODY can ever know how far the price will drop or rise. There are no magic formulas that can predict that. But you would have been moving your stoploss as and when you needed to.

Info 2 the image below shows just how much Barclays dropped before any sign of recovery. I got in on a short when the price was at £647 and got out when it dropped to £350. If you were dealing at £1 per tick that would be £3000. You do the math if you were dealing at £10 or £20 or even £100 per tick!

As I’ve already said to learn how to read the charts ‘Don’t Delay’ I am going to teach you in my E-Book all you will ever need to know about investing and how to pick the…


I can’t promise you will become another Warren Buffett, but I can teach you how you too CAN make an absolute fortune if you do everything that is taught in the lessons.

When you have completed the lessons, you will be able to do the same thing. You will know when to buy to earn as the Market is Rising and when to buy to earn when the Market is Falling

You will be having the best of both worlds, earning whether the prices are rising or falling.

Not a bad scenario, these are the things that experts don’t tell you…

The stocks and shares lessons that you will receive could change your life so much they will make your head spin, the mystery is taken out of stocks and shares. You could very soon be investing and earning fortunes in stocks and shares.

Start the lessons now, don’t hesitate for a second. Every second you delay is a second you will not be capable of earning money. You Can Get Rich and become free from the grind of trying to earn a wage in a cruel world.

Stocks and shares are the easiest way to earn fortunes, other people have done it so why not you?

This Course of Lessons can turn you into the ‘King or Queen of Investors’

Making sure you download my E-BOOK is one of the Most Important things you will ever have do. Download my E-BOOK of stocks and shares lessons now!


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For a chance of an AWESOME change to your LIFE you must have this E-BOOK

Below I have supplied testimonials of students that paid for my lessons at…

£250 and that was back in 2006.
They were all only to pleased to let me use their communications as testimonials, but have asked me not include the emails, only because of the way email scraping has become so rife!

They are afraid of spammers, as am I…

I felt that I must write and tell you how much I appreciate your time and help in working through my Sharewatch lessons. From my first e mail contact with you and prompt delivery of each lesson, I have felt for the first time that I have a real expert on my side who is able to motivate me to make a dream come true.

Over the years, I have sent off for a number of manuals relating to income generation and have never had any support or motivation to complete a programme or so much support as I have had from you with Sharewatch.

As you know from our conversations, I am more than full time involved in running my own busy, business and have taken some time to reach lesson five. Apart from the well set out information that I have worked with so far, I have learned from you that you have a tried, and above all trusted, method of teaching your students to be cautious and that this is not a get rich quick scheme.

I have already learned that there is a complex process underlying the interpretation of charts and that you are insistent that there are no short cuts to success in investing.

Thank you for your support so far and for your continuous motivation to work at the lessons in my own time but at the same time showing me that I can succeed at this.

With your help I am sure that I will, and look forward to your ongoing support.

P.S. I have attached a profile of my marketing business to give you some more info about me.

I’m Dennis’s student, living in Thailand. I would highly recommend Dennis course without hesitation. In trading arena, there are a lot of technical techniques. Some works, some makes confuse. It is difficult to find which ones work. Dennis course teaches just a few techniques. But, that ” a few technique” is enough and provide you the clearer picture of the market. I am so impressed both of the technique.

But, the best part is not the course. It is Dennis himself. I cannot recommend Dennis highly enough. He teaches one to one and willing to help the student to understand the useful concept. When you have any question arise, he will answer you. You will feel that Dennis is on your side in the trading world. When you have “Pro” on your side, you will feel confident until you feel confident in yourself.

In my opinion, there is no other course that can give you as much or more than this.

Here is a testimonial if you wish to use it, please do so, but don’t show my email as I have had a lot of spam lately.

“If you sincerely want to make a profit by trading shares, then cut to the chase by taking Dennis’s Sharewatch Course. You’ll learn the right way to trade and avoid making costly mistakes. Experience is a great teacher but give yourself a head-start by following this first.”

Dennis has put together a course on investment. This course is clear and easy to read and teaches a basic understanding of how the stock market works as well as giving instruction on how to read charts in order to decide upon the best companies to invest in for profit. There are also exercises which are sent to you after completion of each lesson.

Dennis is very patient and helpful when answering questions which inevitably arise. He is also very prompt in replying to such queries. I definitely recommend the course and consider it good value for money.


I have just completed the Sharewatch investment course and I must say It has really simplified the stock market for me – going through the lessons in my own time was a real joy. I can’t believe how much help Dennis has given me personally. It really was a one-to-one experience and no question was left unanswered within 24 hours. Before I took the course I had dabbled in stocks and shares but making a profit was all very hit or miss. I now have the confidence to predict with a good measure of certainty which direction a share will take and know at which point one should buy and sell. I would like this opportunity to publicly thank Dennis for putting these investment secrets on the open market.


Until you have completed the lessons, investing money in stocks and shares is very dangerous, because naturally it goes without saying that investing should always be done wisely and as you are reading this, I take it you are not an expert…

If you study hard this wont be long in coming about. The thing I must impress is that you must be extra careful and learn as much as you can before investing in the stock market, for the simple reason that when you’re not sure of what you’re doing it can certainly mean…

Wipe out to your money and investments, as has happened with so many people in the past.

Therefore even when you have finished the course of lessons you must do dummy runs, running pretend investment portfolios to make sure you have understood everything in the lessons.

When you are ready to invest, I recommend using the minimum amount allowed per investment.

If you are the type of person who jumps the gun, then make sure you start with micro investments. But I really do advise against any real investments before you finish the lessons!!!

The investment lessons teach you how to invest with confidence.

Access to a computer and the Internet (which you must have or you wouldn’t be reading this), my lessons, a willing brain and a chart making program the best of which is recommended in the lessons.

This is not just opportunity knocking, it is literally banging on your front door. Let it in because this is by far the greatest chance you have ever been offered.

The Market Talking To Us…

In fact it is playing a tune to us and I am going to teach you how to dance to the market’s tune. Most investors don’t know the moves and their dancing without any rhythm and without rhythm, the tune becomes atrocious and they lose money.

Discover how you can keep time to the tune and sing along with it, then you will be able to make a lot of money

Further Joining Of The Dots… Gap-Ups!

This lesson covers the TRUE BENEFITS of Gap-Ups and the way to trade them properly (this knowledge CAN really EARN YOU A FORTUNE and is worth 1000’s of times what I am asking you to pay for the course!

Advanced Support and Resistance

We start off with Re-Cap of what we have learned so far and go from there into more revealing strategies. We delve deeper into support and resistance (S&R) and gap-ups. Secrets some of the Professional Investors don’t know…

Super-Secrets Revealed For The First Time!

From this lesson on through the rest of the course is the REAL REASON why everyone taking this course has to sign a NDA (confidentiality agreement)

If you don’t sign and return the NDA, payments will be returned and you will not receive the lessons.

It is because of these Super-Secrets that by purchasing these lessons…

This Lesson Is Going To Leave You Absolutely Gob-Smacked

This lesson takes you through a certain indicator used the way I teach you to use it, will be the best entry and exit method you will ever, ever come across… I say no more about it here. Take the course and you will learn everything you need to know…



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When you have ordered the course of lessons and receive a receipt with instructions on what to do next, follow the instructions and then you will get to download Your First Lesson

The Lessons need to be downloaded from my site. Each lesson will be in PDF format and will be zipped using WINZIP so you will need WINZIP to unzip the file. New computers have a function that will unzip the files. But if you haven’t got winzip and you want it, click on the link below.


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Click here to get Sharewatch Lessons – Den Rocke Blog at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Sharewatch Lessons – Den Rocke Blog is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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